Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Gay marriage a threat to humanity's future: Pope

Opinions about this article are welcome..


The Mayan Calendar Prediction

And so to all religious devotees whatever, this prediction has NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION AT ALL. Just like all religious references, the meaning of this prediction should be METAPHORICALLY or SYMBOLICALLY interpreted. The 'end of the world' they are predicting is actually the end of old culture, old society, and more specifically, THE END OF EGOISTIC SELF. this is a great time of enlightenment and awakening about our connection to the physical world itself.

this is a time to be sensitive, get matured, and be proactive..

The Mayan Calendar did not predict the end of the world

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Egypt's Christians Celebrate Christmas Amid Fears

This is a classic example of a nation in turbulence brought about by opposing religions.

Nonsense fear and opposition brought by nonsense ideologies. They themselves create and indulge into destruction.

How come they cannot perceive these negativities and unable to understand that this is not in alignment of what they really are..
